French cross stitch
Mon-Fri, from 10 to 20 h (Moscow time)

MTSA - Fleur de lin / Цветок льна, схема для вышивания крестом

MTSA - Fleur de lin
₽1 400
₽1 260
(Savings - ₽140)
MTSA - Fleur de lin
Cross stitch pattern is printed on paper, with black and white symbols 
Size - 66 x 216 stitches
Model stitched over one thread on 32 ct or 28 ct linen fabric using DMC floss or Au vers à soie

Floss DMC: 3746, 792, 3345, 937, 934, 701, 166


Au vers à soie: 1344, 4915, 246, 245, 3735, 235, 2142

PLEASE NOTE: threads and fabric are not included in the package
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French cross stitch